The Sola Scriptura Seminary is one of the wings of Udhaar Ministries, with an intention to promote multi leadership approach. Udhaar Ministries is just a platform where like-minded and committed and burdened servants of the Lord join hands and labor in the Lord for the better equipping of the servants and saints of the Lord Jesus Christ. Just as the name, so is our conviction and endeavor to exalt the Word of God, in the lives of the saints and servants of the Lord who are serving or going to serve the Lord. All we need to know and practice is the Inspired Word of God, which the Lord has given to mankind. There are a two-fold vision statements.
First, India has thousands of lay church leaders and servants, who are untrained. They have great desire to get trained but there are in reality multiple problems and obstacles for them to get trained and be equipped. SSS vision is to reach out to them with exactly what they supposed to get or they desire or look for. We want to give them the same experience of being a faithful student of God’s Word. Second, in India there are number of Seminaries, where practically a serious student of Scripture is pulled back because of the financial challenges that it involves. We want to make these programs so affordable that the genuine learner of God’s word will thank the Lord for His provision.
Not just to reaching the unreached, but also to mean business. As we make this program so affordable, we do not want to make these programs a compromised one. Our prayer, and commitment is to keep the real standards of Seminary level and standards. We are willing and committed in working hard to make things presentable and comprehensible and doable for people. Just as we have given the name, we do not want to make a silly and fun statement in compromising the educational standards. We want to be a better student of God’s Word, just as Apostle Paul said to Timothy to study and get approved.
This Sola Scriptura Seminary is specially designed for the candidates who can be flexible in pursuing their studies. It is therefore made available for lay untrained pastors, leaders, and believers who are serious students of God’s word, who are not able to separate their time for residential programs. The programs are divided into three trimesters, each trimester is consisting of 15 weeks of learning.