Rev. Ajayananda Satpathy
Founder President
Born and brought up in a Christian family and home, he went to church and Sunday school in childhood. But at the teenage Satan wanted to trap and lead him astray from God, so he tried his best to get away from God, being influenced by friends and pleasures of the world. His Mom’s one of the prayers during his sinful life was “Lord! Either you change him or take him”. A fire accident changed his life when at that time he had run away from his home. There, he was sure that the Lord has a specific call and purpose in his life for Him. Mark 8:36 says “For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” He realized that he is a sinner and the Lord Jesus loves him and He died for him on the cross of Calvary. He accepted Christ as his personal savior and the Lord. And since the year 1999, his life has been changed in Christ Jesus.
He decided to follow Christ by denying himself and the world, took baptism in 2001 and dedicated my life fully to Christ and His ministry. And he knew Satan would do his best to trap him, therefore during his summer vacation of his Bible School, he got completely involved in ministry instead of working or relaxing. The Lord confirmed his call to ministry in his own state of Odisha, whilehe was doing his summer ministry in the state of Andrapradesh, India. The Lord spoke to him saying “There are many people perishing in your State and you are ministering here (State of Andrapradesh, India), go to Jerusalem-Odisha” Acts 1:8. The Lord helped him complete his Master of Divinity from a Baptist Seminary in India. Following the Lord gave him an opportunity to be a pastor-teacher in the city of Mumbai for ten years. And in the meantime, the Lord blessed him with a beautiful wife (Ambu) and two kids (Aneeka & Asahel). Having strongly sensed his call and commitment to the Lord and ministry, he returned to his own state of Odisha, India, in 2016. The Lord in His mercy prompted him to begin ministry in Odisha just as he had prompted him in the beginning of his call to ministry. Udhaar Ministries is formed and established for both social and spiritual need of the people. The word UDHAAR means to deliver, our main vision is to deliver people from their fallenness both in spirituality and materiality, with a prioirty to spirituality.